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Wealth Advisor with Burney Wealth Management
Ben Scrivener attended St Peter the Rock from 2004-2008. Some of his favorite memories were Geometry with Mrs. Hahne, playing football in the parking lot (he went on to play Rugby in college and then coach a highschool Rugby team), and having his awesome sister in law as his teacher. He enjoyed participating in the yearbook committee. He credits St. Peter’s with helping him integrate into a classroom setting and expanding his experiences before he went off to college.
A memorable mentor of his was Mrs. Hahne. He says she “made a large impression on me. My high school career was clouded for me in terms of mathematics. I had limited exposure to math and did not do well and thus was down on myself regarding my ability to do math. Mrs. Hahne taught me Geometry and I realized I was good at it. She helped me learn it in a way that made sense to me and from there I was able to translate that to everyday math. I now work in finance and do a lot of math all the time. All I needed to do was remember to shift that mindset. Mrs. Hahne did that for me.” Anyone else wiping away tears?
A skill he appreciated honing at SPR that he has carried into adulthood is being comfortable with public speaking. He has become very good at networking, communicating, and sales. He is a humorous and incredibly entertaining host; you might catch him being a master of ceremonies at St Peter’s events from time to time as he loves giving back to the tutorial that gave him so much.
He now lives in Northern Virginia with his beautiful wife and three very charming children. He enjoys golf, watching sports, being with his family. His faith, family, and friends inspire him and he is motivated to provide a secure financial setting for his wife and children. He is currently working on building a 401(k) advisory business within his firm. He has been in the the financial planning business for ten years, has several professional designations and a master’s degree.
He can be reached at: 703-391-6025 [email protected]
If you would like your child to turn out like Ben, reach out to Bethany Coleman at [email protected] to schedule a shadow day and find out more about what makes St. Peter the Rock Tutorial exceptional.